The Cardin and Higley labs were awarded a new grant from the Simons SFARI program to use viral CRISPR mutation models in combination with whole-cortex imaging to study the effects of autism mutations on cortical function.
Welcome to Alex Wang!
Welcome to Alex Wang, the Cardin Lab’s newest graduate student from the Yale INP program.
Cardin Lab at COSYNE
Off to the COSYNE 2018 meeting! Dr. Katie Ferguson will present a poster on Friday, and Jess is giving a talk on Saturday morning.
New Cardin Lab website!
Welcome to the new, updated lab website with better pictures and more information about our current projects.
Come see us at the SFN meeting
Come see us at the SFN meeting. Renata and Quentin are presenting posters, and Jess is giving a minisymposium talk on ‘Sensation in Action’. Review paper from the minisymposium is out in J Neurosci.
Fall rotations!
Welcome to our newest INP rotation student, Alex Wang.
Our latest paper is out in Neuron
Our latest paper is out in Neuron! Congrats to everyone involved.
Welcome to Calvin Fang
Welcome to Calvin Fang, an MD/PhD student rotating during the summer session. Like speed-dating, only for labs.
Congratulations to Drs. Katie Ferguson and Quentin Perrenoud
Congratulations to Drs. Katie Ferguson and Quentin Perrenoud, who were each awarded NARSAD Young Investigator grants starting in January 2018!
Congratulations to Dr. Renata Batista-Brito
Congratulations to Dr. Renata Batista-Brito, who will start her own lab at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in February 2018!