Lavonna received an undergraduate travel award to attend COSYNE 2020!
Congrats to Wasil Ahmed!
Wasil was awarded a spot in the Yale STARS II program, which will support his efforts toward his senior thesis project.
New grant from the SMS Foundation!
The Cardin and Higley labs received a new joint grant to study dysregulation of large-scale cortical circuits in a mouse model of Smith-Magenis Syndrome!
Congrats to undergrad Hannah Selwyn!
Hannah was awarded a travel grant to attend the 2019 SACNAS Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii!
Welcome to Hannah Batchelor!
Hannah is an MD/PhD student rotating in the lab. She’s working on mesoscale imaging of projection neurons during behavior.
Drs. Katie Ferguson and Garrett Neske receive k99/R00 grants!
Huge congratulations to Katie and Garrett, who each received a k99/R00 award from the NEI to provide grant support for their postdoctoral work and transitional funding to start their own labs.
Welcome to Lavonna Mark!
Lavonna joins the lab from the Yale-Singapore campus, and will spend a year working on an independent project here.
Alejandro Nuno wins a Bouchet Fellowship
Congratulations to Alejandro Nuno, who was awarded a prestigious Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship to support his research in the lab!
Congrats to our summer STARS students!
Our summer students, Wasil Ahmed and Alejandro Nuno, completed the Yale STARS program and gave fantastic talks on their projects!
New grant from the Ludwig Family Foundation
The Cardin lab has been awarded a 2-year grant from the Ludwig Family Foundation to study cortical network function in genetic models of autism.